

A place that had intrigued me for decades, and here, at last, I was face to face with this fantastic temple. (on the far left the temple of Mentuhotep II)


Pharaoh Hatsheptsut, a linked image to tell you a bit more about this queen of Egypt. During official functions she was shown to wear the ceremonial beard that Pharaohs would don.


As it might have once looked.


Aerial views seems to support much of what's seen in the sketch


View of the temple of Mentuhotep II from the top of the chapel of Hathor

View of side of the temple of Hatshepsut from the chapel of Hathor - years and years of excavation and restoration ahead



This vulture is one of my favorite paintings. I love the way it's detailed. Located in a corner that gets almost no sunlight, the orginal pigments are still intact, just like on the cobras


These corners and niches are the most colorful
A goddess (Isis?) or a queen


Pharaoh Hatshepsut was known for sponsoring expeditions south on the Nile into Africa, as far as Punt. A link to a NOVA website where this is discussed



The second level where many of the wall decorations are found


Detailed and delicate stone carvings

Hathor's Chapel



Horus guards the ramp to the top tier


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